Presbyterian Women

Sewing Circle

In 2018 the members of Sewing Circle made 94 lap robes. They were donated in December to the following:

Oakleaf Personal Care Home– Baldwin
Paramount– Baldwin
ManorCare– Whitehall
Veterans– Aspinwall, Oakland

In addition, Toiletries and personal items, were donated to  N. Zion Lutheran Church - (Riverview Towers Mission)

Brentwood Food Pantry

The Brentwood Food Pantry obtains most of its funding from United Way contributions. Those people who contribute the most are you, the members of the church. Please designate the Brentwood Food Pantry as the organization to whom you donate your United Way monies. We rely on you for our continued success in reaching out to the community.   

If you are in need, and require the services of the Food Pantry, please call the pantry at 412-882-6035 for information and registration.   You must be a resident of Brentwood Borough to be able to access the Food Pantry.    We will require proof of residency (utility bill, copy of lease, etc) when you are registering for benefits.

Monthly Committee Meetings:

Board of Deacons: meets the 1st Sunday of every month.

Christian Education: meets the 2nd Sunday of every month.

Music & Worship:  Meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm.


  • Usher/Greeter Schedule

    Forget if you're ushering or greeting??  Misplaced the email with the schedule??  Well all you need to do is download the 2019 July thru December schedule pdf here (91 KB)

  • Liturgist Schedule

    Don't remember when you're scheduled to be the Liturgist at Sunday Worship??    The 2019 July thru December schedule can be found   pdf here. (31 KB)


Upcoming Events

17 Feb
Music & Worship Committee
Date 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
17 Feb
17 Feb
Executive Committee Meeting
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
17 Feb
Session Meeting
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
27 Feb
Sewing Circle
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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