Once, while preaching a message about marriage I was waxing eloquent about commitment. I said, "18 years ago my wife and I stood in front of a pastor in a church like this one. I said, 'I do." She said, 'I do,' and we've been doing it ever since!" --Steve A Hanchett

During a church meeting one evening, a parishioner was speaking about an emotionally charged topic and had trouble controlling her tears. Finishing her remarks, she told the folks, "I apologize for crying so much. I'm just such a big boob." The Reverend rose to close the session and remarked, "That's okay. In this church we like big boobs."

Just before the offering our music minister announced that we were to sing the chorus. "It's No Longer I That Giveth".  -   "Richard Wright"

Our pastor was preaching one Sunday evening and looked thoughtfully at the congregation, "Do you know where I'm coming from?" There were nods all over the group. He said, "Well, I'm glad you do, because I lost my train of thought and have no idea where I am." - Lara, Greenville, MS

Our church has had several names during its history. I was at a clergy meeting recently and one of my peers asked me if I was at Lynnhaven Christian Church. I told him, "No, our church has never been a Christian church." ---Dick Dinges, Lynnhaven Colony Congregational Church

Several years ago, a visiting evangelist appeard on the radio program of a local church. As a reminder not to speak in haste he concluded by inviting the public to the beginning revival meeting by saying, "Come to our revival meeting where the blind hear, the dumb see, the deaf walk, and the lame talk". -- wallace roberts

One Sunday morning our pastor was explaining a plan for some renovations that were needed on our ageing church building. To facilitate this work and to keep the cost at a minimum, the committee had suggested that those in the congregation who could help should donate their time and materials. The pastor then announced that this would require "copulation from all members who are able." Of course what he meant was "cooperation." That pastor was my
husband. --Elizabeth Lewis

Pulpit Bloopers is copyright 2009 by Sermon Fodder Ministries (
www.sermonfodder.com) and was compiled from contributing members of the Sermon Fodder List.